Bridal, Weddings, Tips: Ten Wedding Speech Mistakes to Avoid

Ouch! We've all been there, the wedding speech toasting the happy couple that veered off into a litany of humiliation, sophomoric humor, and embarrassing moments from the single, care-free, party like there's no tomorrow days.

Giving a wedding speech can be an extremely daunting task, and if the tone isn't correct, it could be a disaster. Cutting the inappropriate humor and refraining from obscurity are just a few of the ways to ensure a wedding speech goes to plan.

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Guests are being told to lay off the sophomoric jokes by experts as the top ten wedding speech mistakes are revealed. The wedding experts at Breezit have given people ten mistakes to avoid when making an all-important wedding speech.

Here are Breezit's ten things to avoid when giving a wedding speech:

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Focusing too much on yourself

Make sure the speech is centered around the happy couple and doesn't become a personal monologue. There is a time and a place to share personal news and achievements, so definitely avoid any pregnancy or engagement news!

Using inappropriate humor
Try to stay away from jokes that are sexual or offensive, especially when it comes to talking about the couple.

Mentioning old flames
Mentioning the exes of the bride or groom should be considered a no-go. Romantic history can be an awkward subject and even subtle implications can give the wrong message.

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Planting doubt
It's meant to be the happiest day of the bride and groom's life, so try to avoid planting any seeds. Making cynical comments about relationships in general can lower the mood of the room.

Airing sensitive information
Family secrets, financial matters and sensitive information should all be left out of the big speech. Whatever the situation of the couple, this should be kept private and not aired out in public on their big day.

Make sure the anecdotes and stories are accessible to everyone in the room. In-jokes and obscure stories tend to isolate an audience, so try to keep any references relatable to those present.

Too much drinking
Calming the nerves with a drink might seem like the most natural remedy during the moment, but drinking too much before a speech can lead to slurred words and forgotten lines. It's best to keep the drinks to a minimum until after the speech.

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Comparisons are rarely flattering when it comes to weddings, nobody wants their big day compared with others. Each relationship is unique and should be treated as such.

Taking too long
Wedding schedules are often tightly packed, and an overly long speech starts to disrupt the flow of the day. Keep it short and sweet to ensure the guests don't get bored and the celebrations can continue.

Relying on improvised speech
Improvising certain parts of the speech might seem appealing, however this can lead to rambling and a lost sense of direction. Sometimes it's best to stick to the script as it shows good preparation, and thoughtfulness went into the words.

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A spokesperson from Breezit said: "It's so important to tick the right boxes when giving a wedding speech, but it can be an extremely daunting task.

"Everyone has different boundaries, and it can be easy to overstep the mark, so it's always best to err on the side of caution.

"Talk of previous romantic partners and personal jabs are common pitfalls when it comes to wedding speech so definitely steer clear of these.

"Happy and genuine memories of the newlyweds always add authenticity to a speech. So, with a little preparation and consideration anyone can deliver a memorable moment for the newlyweds and the guests too."

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