Beltway Insider: DNC, Harris Accepts Nom, Biden, Clintons, Obamas, Walz Speech Highlights, FDA/New Covid Vaccine, RFK Drops Bid

President Biden spoke, with strength, to an adoring crowd of supporters on the first night of the Democratic National Convention, speaking on the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration, and the importance of the election to complete the work.

The President's job approval rating, according to the website for the period ending August 25, 2024, increased by 1.3% to 39.7% of those polled who approve of his effectiveness as President and those who disapprove of his effectiveness decreased by 1.5% to 54.5% of those polled who disapprove of his effectiveness. A slight 3% of the population polled have no opinion. Ratings are calculated weekly.

Averaging the National Polls, with the Tuesday, November 5, 2024 election in 72 days, Vice-President Kamala Harris's popularity with prospective voters has increased by 1.0% to 47.2% over the former president and convicted felon Donald Trump, whose popularity with prospective voters has remained constant at 43.7%.

Beltway Insider: Biden, Harris, and the DNC, Harris Economic Plan Scorned, Debate Schedule, Ukraine, India Rape, MDMA

Democratic National Convention

The Democrats brought their prime-time players to the main stage at the convention, wowing the crowd as presidents and spouses, past and future, and family took to the stage in a show of strength and solidarity. The mission, as presented, is to move the nation forward, to start a new chapter, to begin the politics for the people administration.

The 2024 Presidential season had been marred with a deepening sense of dread as many believed President Biden, based on his debate performance, had no path to victory. President Biden, presented Monday's primetime speech, and what the world witnessed was a man of dedicated service to the nation, and one who understood even though he believed his record deserved a second term, to unite the party, he stepped aside, in self-sacrifice, to assist in ushering in change and present to the people, a clear choice, and pave the way for a distinct victory.

""It's been the honor of my lifetime to serve as your president," Mr. Biden said in a speech that capped over five decades in office, as senator, vice president and president. "I love the job, but I love my country more," reported.

He followed former Secretary of State and the 2016 Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, who proved a female candidate can secure the popular vote, which smashes the theory that American is not ready to elect a female president.

Each explained, as all that followed, this election is about the people, moreover, it is about every American citizen, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or lifestyle choices.

World News: Chicago 1968, Chicago 2024

Former First Lady Michelle Obama reminded us, "Hope is making a comeback." And former President Barack Obama spoke on Tuesday. As Chicago was once the home of the former President, and where he began his political career, the raucous crowd greeted them wildly.

Former President Obama, in his usual easy manner, addressed the crowd on the difficult task ahead, "Now, the torch has been passed. Now, it is up to all of us to fight for the America we believe in. And make no mistake, it will be a fight. For all the incredible energy we've been able to generate over the last few weeks, for all the rallies and the memes, this will still be a tight race in a closely divided country," reported Time Magazine.

Minnesota Governor and Vice-Presidential nominee Tim Walz, a former football coach, took to the stage and deliver a rousing speech, reserved for a locker room of behind players, at the last game of the season, before going home or heading to the championships.

His ability to stir the crowd into fighters, determined to secure this victory, was capped by the emotional reaction of his son Gus, who has a nonverbal learning disorder and ADHD, which also ushered into the spotlight the millions who are diagnosed with learning disabilities, and who are often disenfranchised and marginalized and rarely receive the social or government support needed.

Former President Bill Clinton took to the stage on Wednesday, and as the convention edged closer to the Thursday night acceptance speech by Vice-President Kamala Harris, the understanding of choices crystallized.

"I know which one I like better for our country: Kamala Harris will solve problems, seize opportunities, ease our fears and make sure every American, however they vote, has a chance to chase their dreams," said Clinton. "Meanwhile, Donald Trump has been a paragon of consistency. He's still dividing, he's still blaming, he's still belittling other people. He creates chaos, and then he sort of curates it as if it were precious art," reported

World News: A French Perspective of Biden’s Decision to Stand Down

Vice President Kamala Harris took the stage Thursday night, to accept the Democratic Party nomination for the President of the United States. For the millions of potential voters throughout the nation, Thursday's speech may have been the first time they have heard her speak.

When the speech was completed, she had presented her story, her middle-class roots, life in the "flats," of Oakland, California, and her determination, instilled by a strong-minded and strong-willed mother, who refused to settle for tradition, which would have enslaved her and her children to a life held to patriarchal control, with no advancement or education, to create change, and to make a difference.

She spoke of a career, "for the people," and her career rise to senator, her successes in Congress, and finally the choice by President Joe Biden as the Vice-Presidential nominee. Now, as Biden has passed the torch, Kamala Harris, she explained through her career as a prosecutor she had one client, "the people," and now as the nominee for the democratic party, she has one client, the American people, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, lifestyle choices, we the people, each individual person, has become her agenda.

In her acceptance speech, which can be read, in its entirety here, she said, "And, so, on behalf of the people, on behalf of every American, regardless of party, race, gender or the language your grandmother speaks. On behalf of my mother, and everyone who has ever set out on their own unlikely journey. On behalf of Americans like the people I grew up with — people who work hard, chase their dreams and look out for one another. On behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on Earth, I accept your nomination to be president of the United States of America," reported The New York Times.

Electoral Votes and Swing States

For many the understanding of the political process is simply about votes. American system of politics is not based on a most votes wins policy, which is why it is critical for voters in swing states, like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Arizona to vote.

Democrats have more than once won the popular vote but failed to secure the necessary 270 electoral votes to win the election. Voters in the nation have already proven a female candidate can secure the popular vote, this election needs to prove that a female candidate can gather the electorate in states around the union, to secure the necessary 270 electoral votes needed to secure the victory and finally break the glass ceiling.

The 2024 Presidential Election is Tuesday, November 5, 2024, having a voting plan.

Coronavirus Totals, New Vaccine

The FDA has approved a new vaccine for COVID-19 and the two largest manufactures, Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna will begin shipping the new vaccines to pharmacies nationwide.  "The Biden administration announced it would restart its free covid-test-by-mail program in late September, allowing Americans to order four free test kits at," reported The Washington Post.

Although health officials have not raised a warning flag, issued health alerts, or reinitiated any nationwide health protocols, they have clarified that the coronavirus morphs, which is akin to a predator virus, that readjusts to the immune system of the host.

When people received the initial vaccination in 2020, the immune system was bolstered, energized with virus fighting tools. Over time, those tools were weakened, and immune systems adjusted to essentially a new normal, the new normal became the plateau for the virus to attack. The new vaccines reenergize the immune systems fight, like refreshing an army that has long been on the battlefield and is weary.  It is strongly recommended, individuals with weakened or compromised immune systems, the elderly, and the infirmed, receive the newest coronavirus vaccination. These vaccines are not mandated.

The virus continues an evolution process; it will never evolve to a zero infectious rate. The CDC has recommended every person from age six months, including senior citizens should receive at least one shot of an updated COVID-19 vaccine, annually.  The death toll from Covid-19 has dramatically decreased, as has transmission of the virus. Even as confirmed new cases continue each week, fewer are dying from the newer variants.

For the seven days ending August 25, 2024, the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases reported by The World Health Organization increased by 49,555 confirmed cases totaling 775,917,102. The total worldwide death toll increased by 1,236 to 7,058,381 deaths. The United States has stopped providing Covid data to the World Health Organization. (Data updated August 11, 2024, from The World Health Organization).

Understanding the Republican Agenda

What is critical for Americans to understand is the Republican agenda which has slowly become obvious through recent Supreme Court decisions which reversed Roe v. Wade, Presidential Immunity, and Homelessness. The agenda couldn't be clearer, put women in their place, allow the billionaire buddies of the president to benefit from a president who can commit crime with impunity, and refuse to assist the most vulnerable of society.

Former President Donald J. Trump Found Guilty on All Counts

Former President Donald Trump had the most Supreme Court nominees of any president in recent history. The court of five conservative justices can, through block voting, alter every advancement that a more liberal court has made over the decades.

The initial change in federal law was the reversal of the 1973 landmarked decision, Roe v. Wade, which gave every woman, in America, the right to decide her own reproductive decision.

It legalized Abortion Rights, which many present the argument of the unborn fetus, as the foundation, for the reversal of these rights and yet politicians repeal every law that assist children, with preschool, nutritional programs, and other social services programs to ensure pre-school children are nurtured, with a "not our problem," mentality.

Abortion Rights allows allow each individual woman, the right to choose, her reproductive medical care. The reversal of Abortion Rights is not the only agenda the conservative court of five are looking to reverse.

The conservative court of five have unprecedented power to reshape American law to fit a conservative agenda. Reversing Same-Sex and Trans Rights laws are also on the conservative court agenda. The fringe members of society including the Homeless population, and the immigrant are also on the court's unspoken agenda.

RFK Jr. Drops Out of Presidential Race, Endorses Trump

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has ended his independent bid for president of the United States, and has endorsed Republican Presidential nominee and convicted felon, Donald Trump.

It is a surprising twist in a campaign season that had at one time, created a lethargic apathy over the American people, who were tired of the mudslinging, and the personal revelations of immoral and unethical actions that tarnished both parties, simply by the nature of the profession.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, who witnessed his father's assassination on television in June 1968, has long ascribed to the democratic party principals. His recent statements regarding the coronavirus, his medical condition resulting from a worm eating portions of his brain, and leaving a baby bear cub in Central Park, has resulted in a less wide-spread acceptance of his candidacy.  

For more information on President Joe Biden:

Sources: Various © Articles covered by Copyright protection.


Janet Walker is the publisher, founder, and sole owner of A graduate of New York University, she has been covering international news through the Beltway Insider, a weekly review of the nation's top stories, for more than a decade.  A general beat writer/reporter and entertainment/film critic, she is also an accomplished news/investigative news/crime reporter and submitted for Pulitzer Prize consideration "Cops Conspire to Deep Six Sex Assaults" in the Breaking News Category. Ms. Walker has completed five screenplays, "The Six Sides of Truth," "The Assassins of Fifth Avenue," "The Wednesday Killer," "The Manhattan Project," and the sci-fi thriller "Project 13: The Last Day." She is a member of the Los Angeles Press Club, the National Writers Union, and the International Federation of Journalists.

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