Home, Décor: How to Create Cohesive Interior Design

Developing a home interior design style that mixes elements and influences while feeling consistent and thought out is more than color boards, swatch themes and fabrics, and should reflect the homeowners’ personal taste, style, and bravura.

Designing the interior of one’s home is akin to a personal makeover. So, what goes into taking a house from average to noteworthy? The answer lies in grasping how to create cohesive interior design, which will be explained here.

Start With Unifying Fixtures

Prior to putting attention into the furnishings and other removable items in the home, the set fixtures should be unified. These may include light switches, lights themselves, metals found in restrooms and the kitchen, door handles, and window treatments.

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Select a polished style for each of these that will be placed in every room throughout the house. Though they are seemingly small details, the fixtures bring together rooms that may otherwise become slightly disparate due to dissimilarities in larger, moveable, decorative pieces.

Follow a Specific Color Palette

There does not necessarily need to be only one fixed color palette for every section of the home, but each room should follow a specific color palette. While choosing chairs, tables, shelves, and other large items, construct a clear color foundation.

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They might all conform to one color, such as black or white, or they may fall within a color scale. To illustrate, shades of beige may work well together, even if they are not exactly identical in every piece.

From there, it is paramount to coordinate less weighty items like pillows, blankets, and rugs. Think about what colors will dominate and build around those. In general, colors should be similar in saturation. A soft orange color may feel out of place next to a harsh, industrial orange, despite being the same hue.

Think About the Sight-Lines

Certain portions of the home are not separated by doors and one can thus see an adjacent room while standing in another. Sight-lines refer to what a person can see from a given area.

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Think about, for instance, a kitchen and a living room. In many homes, these tend to meld together and parts of each are clearly visible from most vantage points, whether a person is in the kitchen or the living room.

Due to this, one overall design theme should be followed for both, as it can be jarring to see a sudden change when there is no physical barrier to distinguish them completely.

Though different color palettes are alright in other rooms, places that are connected by sight-lines should exist within the same palette.

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However, it’s still possible to vary certain features in them. A long, plush rug pile and soft seating fabrics would work well in a living room but not as well in a kitchen where water and fire are used. As long as they give off the same impression as the kitchen decorations with their shape and color, changing one aspect will not make them stand out in an unappealing way.

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