Beltway Insider: Biden G7, Trump, Turkey, Title 42/Pandemic, Holloway Murder, Subway Killer

President Biden is expected to attend the G7 Summit, in Hiroshima, Japan, where the leaders of the seven largest economies are expected to discuss a wide range of issues including the nuclear weapons and Russia continued aggression.

The President's job approval rating, according to the website, for the period ending May 14, 2023 decreased by 0.3% to 42.4% of those polled who approve of his effectiveness as President and those who disapprove of his effectiveness increased by 0.1% to 52.4% of those polled who disapprove of his effectiveness. A slight 3% of the population polled have no opinion. Ratings are calculated weekly.

Beltway Insider: Biden Talks AI, Coronation, Putin/Ukraine, TX Shooting, Subway Murder

Biden, G7 Leaders to Discuss Global Issues

The G7 Leaders, representing the seven most advanced global economies, are scheduled to meet this week in Hiroshima, Japan, the site of the first use of the atomic bomb, on August 6, 1945, and will use the backdrop of this nation to reiterate the imperative importance of dismantling any nuclear programs underway by any unstable or dictatorial regimes anywhere in the world.

While the President and G7 leaders are expected to discuss a range of the most pressing global issues, including G7's unwavering support for Ukraine, addressing the dual food and climate crisis, securing inclusive and resilient economic growth, and continuing to lead a clean energy transition at home and for our partners around the world.

A key issue on the agenda is the use of nuclear weapons, as Russia has continued to pontificate its ability to utilize nuclear war if necessary to destroy Ukraine resistance, the members are expected to confirm the international rule of law and with determined unified resolve reject any attempts to change the current geopolitical standards.

Trump Found Guilty of Defamation in Rape Case

Former President Donald Trump was found guilty in a New York court this week in the defamation case brought on by E. Jean Carroll, a writer whom the president is alleged to have raped and then used the tactics of denial and defamation to destroy the credibility of the victim.

"A Manhattan jury on Tuesday found former President Donald J. Trump liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll and awarded her $5 million in damages. More than a dozen women have accused Mr. Trump of sexual misconduct over the years, but this is the only allegation to be affirmed by a jury," The New York Times reported.

The jury was not charged with determining if the allegation of rape were legitimate only if the former president was guilty of defamation.

CNN Appearance

Proving that he can roll with the punches, the former president appeared on a CNN Town Hall, where the audience showed their support for the former president and his current and continual troubles, assessing them as "proof" his claims of a stolen election are valid.

The network faced criticism the next day and attempted to deflect and defend.

Olivier Darcy CNN Media reporter stated on the shocking platform provided by the network, "And CNN aired it all. On and on it went. It felt like 2016 all over again. It was Trump's unhinged social media feed brought to life on stage," the media critic wrote of his own network. "And Collins was put in an uncomfortable position, given the town hall was conducted in front of a Republican audience that applauded Trump, giving a sense of unintended endorsement to his shameful antics." reported. 

Macron Implodes in the Minefield of Pension Reform

Turkey Elections

Turkey President Tayyip Erdogan, who has been democratically elected to leader his nation for the last twenty years, may end up ousted as he has trailed in the polls against Kemal Kilicdaroglu, a relative unknown on the global stage.

"Critics say Kilicdaroglu lacks his opponent's bombastic style and domineering power to steer his alliance once elected. He "portrays a totally opposite image from Erdogan, who is a polarizing figure and fighter who consolidates his voter base," said Birol Baskan, a Turkey-based author and political analyst," reported Reuters.

Turkey's recent catastrophic earthquakes, which killed and estimated 60,000, and the governments lack of inadequate response is just one of the points of contention that Turkish citizens have considered leading up to today's vote.

Immigration's Title 42 Ends

The end of the Pandemic Public Health Emergency has also ended Title 42, which was enacted by former President Donald Trump, to lower the allowed immigration totals based on a public health emergency. Essentially Title 42, stopped most immigrants from entering the United States, legally, to protect American citizens from the possibility of further spread of the coronavirus.

"Along the border in Arizona and Texas, hundreds of people from a range of countries, . . .waited in lines to turn themselves in to Border Patrol agents and request asylum. Elsewhere, Texas National Guard troops laid out barbed wire, preventing migrants from entering the country," The New York Times reported.

With the Public Health Emergency ending border control has seen an influx of immigrants from Latin America and South America line up at the southern borders to turn themselves into border control requesting asylum.

The reverts from Title 42 to pre-Covid immigration policies, a caravan of immigrants have arrived at the Southern borders. To combat this influx, the Biden Administration has responded with additional Border Patrol agents, military, and contractors to secure the borders and asylum officers, administrative judges and other to expedite any actions needed.

As with many of the nation's most delicate issues, including gun control, immigration reform is in the hands of Congress. Blaming the president for the nation's ills and failing to elect members of congress and the House who represent a constituencies direction remains critical in enacting change.

Currently, Immigration reform rest in the hands of the house, and the majority which are republican.

Homeland Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a recent press conference, "Our current situation is the outcome of Congress leaving a broken, outdated immigration system in place for over two decades, despite unanimous agreement that we desperately need legislative reform.  It is also the result of Congress's decision not to provide us with the resources we need and that we requested."

Medical Science: COVID-19: Doctors’ Group Says to Recall Vaccine

Pandemic Public Health Emergency Era Ends

Officially, Covid is no longer considered a pandemic, and will retain the status of endemic, essentially the coronavirus will remain an active viral condition but not the crippling condition which shocked the world with its spread and infection and death rate beginning in 2020.

With the end of the Public Health Emergency (PHE) the CDC is no longer authorized to collect certain types of data associated with the Coronavirus. Therefore, information including variants, weekly increases, hot spots, or other critical issues to the public may be slow in collection.

Then President Donald Trump declared a public health emergency January 31, 2020, which has been renewed six times since January 31, 2020. At that time there were no deaths, and only six known cases in the United States.

In retrospect, the Coronavirus has left many nations devastated, with terrifying images smuggled from Wuhan, China to overflowing critical care units in Italy, and the use of frozen trailers as makeshift morgues for the dead in Manhattan, the lack of understanding produced a fear as many understood it would only be moments before this enemy would arrive everywhere.

There have been many heroes from the pandemic, the first responders and nurses, the medical community, who positioned themselves on the front lines without fail, knowing the possibility of being a lifeline between loved ones and the dying. Thank you.

Coronavirus Totals

Mandates have been altered or lifted in most urban areas with limited exceptions, and the population is encouraged to maintain personal protective practices. Masks are optional and tolerated. Vaccines and boosters are still considered the most effective agents against contracting the Coronavirus.

For the week ending May 14, 2023, the total of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide reached 765,903,278 people, with a 7-day increase of 680,346 with a total worldwide death toll of 6,927,378 deaths. (Data from The World Health Organization).

COVID U.S. Totals

Infections rates in the United States are also on the rise. For the 7-day period ending May 14, 2023, the total confirmed cases rose to 104,618,931. The coronavirus has claimed 1,131,819 total deaths. (Data from the CDC).

Pentagon's Diary Gets Personal

Protecting for gain of function knowledge only aides those who initiated the constitutional violations. It does nothing to combat homegrown terrorism or narcissistic, above the law, belief. The best obtainable version of the truth.

Brooklyn Subway Terror: 28 Injured and Shot, Undetonated Devices Found

African Religious Cult Deaths Rise to 200

Kenyan authorities, who began searching for members of Christian Cult, operated by Cult leader Patrick MacKenzie Nthenge, two weeks ago, have announced the body count has risen exponentially nearing more than 200 found in various mass graves on the 800-acre property where the cult operated.

Nthenge convinced followers that if they starved themselves, they would go to heaven "to meet Jesus." At the time of the discovery more than 67 bodies had been recovered, the total of the dead jumped to 200 in the past week, and more than 600 more are missing and expected to be found somewhere on the property.

"Kenya's president, William Ruto, said there was "no difference" between rogue pastors like Nthenge and terrorists. "Terrorists use religion to advance their heinous acts. People like Mr Mackenzie are using religion to do exactly the same thing,"' The reported.

If all 600 victims declared missing are found, the total number of victims will reach beyond 800 followers who starved themselves to death. The shocking misuse of power and the ability to use radicalized mind control to seduce those who have genuine beliefs is the foundation of securing followers with a devotion unto death, for political or religious ideologies. And this isn't the first.

Jim Jones and The Jonestown Cult

"On November 18, 1978, 918 Americans, including 276 children, died in Peoples Temple–related incidents, including 909 members of the Temple, led by Jim Jones, in Jonestown, Guyana," Wikipedia reported.

The mass suicide of the Jonestown Cult, also known as The People's Temple, led by Jim Jones was discovered in November 1978 by Ohio Congressman Leo Ryan, an NBC reporter and three others who was shot to death on the runway in Guyana, while investigating a report of the cult. When authorities arrived 918 members of The People's Temple drank a flavored drink mixed with cyanide. Jones later was discovered to have died from a self-inflicted gunshot.

Cold Case Murder Solved after 50 Years

Natalie Holloway Suspected Killer Extradited to U.S.

Convicted killer Joran Van Der Sloot, the prime suspect in the disappearance and presumed murder of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway, 18, who went missing in Aruba in 2005, has been extradited to the United States on extortion and wire fraud.

Holloway was in Aruba, on the last night of her senior trip, when she allegedly left a bar with Van der Sloot, drank to excess, smoked pot and either died of alcoholic overdose or was strangled and her body disposed of in the ocean.

Van der Sloot has remained the only suspect in the 18-year cold case.

In prison in Peru, for the 2010 strangling Stephanie Flores, 20, in a hotel room, Van der Sloot, fled to Chile and was later arrested and convicted. The extradition to the U.S. to face charges is temporary officials have said, and Van der Sloot is expected to return to Peru to serve the remainder of his sentence. He is scheduled for release in 2038.

Van der Sloot lawyer states, "People are not going for justice, they're going for revenge," Altez said. "People are confusing the two as if they're synonyms."

They are.

Manhattan Subway Murder

Daniel Penny, 24, the former Marine responsible for the murder of Jordan Neely, a chronic homeless Manhattanite with a history of mental illness, was charged this week with second degree manslaughter in New York City Superior court.

"Penny has found a groundswell of financial and online support from high-profile Republicans such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Fox News personalities and conservatives on Elon Musk's Twitter. Many of them have rallied around Penny and hailed the veteran as a "hero" and "good Samaritan,"' The Washington Post reported.

Penny, 24, has become a hero of the conservative right-wing republicans, as his case has gained national attention and conservatives have touted the actions as honorable and heroic.

A legal defense fund on the Christian based "GiveSendGo," a financial donation site has already raised more than $1million and is being managed by the law firm which representing Penny.

For more information on President Joe Biden

Sources: Various © Articles covered by Copyright protection.

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