Plug Research Releases the Highly Anticipated Coultrains Jungle Mumbo Jumbo Project


The new project builds off of the strength of his own self-released projects, 2008's The Adventures Of Seymour Liberty and 2010's GodMustBeABoogieMan - all of which weave one sequential tale of one "Seymour Liberty," a semi-autobiographical character that Coultrain has created.

The album campaign launched with a mysterious short film, Seymour LibertyIn... Between, featuring a new spoken word piece & disjointed visuals that both summed up Seymour's story thus far, while also hinting towards what lies ahead in Jungle. Then, in line with the Spring equinox, Plug Research released the first single, "Streams & Rivers" - a refreshing tale of thirst & struggle, which resoundingly appeared to replenish the bated-breath of Coultrain fans that had been long pining for new material.

The story will continue on past the April 23rd release date with three upcoming short music videos, starting with "A Gem Iza Jewel" - a playful exercise in magic & the intrigue of duplicity. Following that will see new visuals for the chase-paced, "Gazelle's Dance" and the mysterious "Asherah Le Chamelon."

Additionally, serving as book ends to the album's chapters in the Seymour saga, are two free bonus tracks - a prologue in the form of a question, & an epilogue of an answer.


'A Gem Iza Jewel' releases 5/8/2013

Plug Reseach and The Press Room Los Angeles will present a series of 3 music video releases beginging with 'a gem iza jewel'. Outlets interested in hosting the exclusive premiere please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


With “Streams & Rivers” and his ‘Between’ video short, Coultrain has the blogs all a buzz in anticipation of his upcoming LP, Jungle Mumbo Jumbo. Plug Research has generously made available for download “13th Floor (The ‘?’)” , which will not be appearing on the album. While it won’t be on the LP, it does compliment the Seymour Liberty narrative. The "13th Floor (the '?') is a piece that illustrates the inevitable question that Seymour must face when returning from his sabbatical. And because this music and poetry serves as a mirror for the universe, it’s a reflection of the question, though worded different ways, that we all confront, am i who i am, do i think what i think, do i love who i love, do i prefer what i prefer, because i chose or...? and then whats the solution?' J Mitchell adds vocals, KT The Terrible on production, and Om’Mas Keith on the mix. Get the download via Fresh Selects. Jungle Mumbo Jumbo will be out April 23rd via Plug Research.


Coultrain is a folklore. One of a man, or men - simply not of these times. Although, to style him as a "revivalist," or a "futurist," for that matter, would be as ill-suited for this particular outfit as are the fleeting trends of today.

Most accurately, he is an era-less figure - one whom is equal parts King and Fool; a performer who may not know just when or where he is, but yet can still reveal the now to his audience like no other magician before. As much a storyteller as he is a story, himself, still unfolding; the man takes many forms.

First, there is AARON MICHAEL FRISON, an estranged poet of whom not much is known - who, although his work is deeply personal, his own lifestory has been told best by the found letters of his lovers past, or through its most famous interpretations by COULTRAIN - a St. Louis blues & soul man, born to the marriage of a preacher & muse, who would come to carve his young niche in the world by singing his unconventional tales over not so "standard" jazz pieces.

These early puzzle pieces would later open the opportunity for the young squire to leave his Missourian home; inviting him to travel the world over as a “Platinum Pied Piper,” then to teleport throughout space as a “Hawthorne Headhunter,” forever adding to his songbook wherever he found himself. But all along this journey, in the shadows, loomed one SEYMOUR LIBERTY - a strange, ever-evolving character that Aaron had created, but only Train could bring to life.

And herein lies the essence of this artist - the eternal ebb & flow of these three spirits. Together, this single-bodied trio has weaved an elaborate tale, the living legend of Seymour Liberty - one that is steeped in timeless matters of the heart, underlined by a philosophy rooted in metaphysics, & ripened through a universal coming of age.

Their story began (& thus, the loops also ends) with the simply-titled, The Adventures Of..., which leaves with Seymour cast out as “The Wanderer,” leading to the tumultuous follow-up, GodMustBeABoogieMan, and its hard-earned resolution of a learned "Balancing Act," & now - the myth chatters onward, to new lands, in this, our story for you today... “JUNGLE MUMBO JUMBO.”

§     Kenneth Fresh, FRSH SLCTS (2012)




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