Medical Science: COVID-19 - Is the Death Rate Higher after Vaccination

Are you up to date on your COVID boosters? Your doctor may be nudging you—since the recommendations and information on shot availability may be in every issue of medical society electronic publications, as they are in Arizona.

Uptake is considered disappointing—even though most doctors are apparently not warning patients of immediate or delayed adverse reactions.

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These graphs show deaths per day in a population group by day after receiving a pneumonia vaccine, or after a COVID-19 vaccine, according to Medicare data.

For a safe vaccine, the line always slopes downward after a brief upward slope for the death rate to get to baseline. (There should be fewer early deaths in this cohort because of the temporary healthy vaccinee effect. This effect lasts up to 21 days or so.) People only die once, so there are fewer people left in the cohort to die as time passes.

The upward slope for the COVID vaccine is unique, writes Steve Kirsch. After the first shot, an average 3492 deaths per day increased to 4365 deaths per day, an increase of 25% over one year. There is no background event to account for this, he writes.

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The same effect is seen in every country for which he has data, he states. As far as I know, no one has replicated or refuted this analysis, or published comparable data in a scientific journal.

It is generally agreed that life expectancy in the U.S. has decreased recently. Fentanyl is one possible explanation. COVID vaccines have not been ruled out.

This is one more item to add to your risk: benefit analysis on taking COVID vaccine. Ask your doctor about it if he is urging you to take the vaccine.

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Additional Information:


Jane M. Orient, M.D. obtained her undergraduate degrees in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Arizona in Tucson, and her M.D. from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1974. She completed an internal medicine residency at Parkland Memorial Hospital and University of Arizona Affiliated Hospitals and then became an Instructor at the University of Arizona College of Medicine and a staff physician at the Tucson Veterans Administration Hospital. She has been in solo private practice since 1981 and has served as Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) since 1989.

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She is currently president of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. She is the author of YOUR Doctor Is Not In: Healthy Skepticism about National Healthcare, and the second through fifth editions of Sapira's Art and Science of Bedside Diagnosis published by Wolters Kluwer. She authored books for school children, Professor Klugimkopf's Old-Fashioned English Grammar and Professor Klugimkopf's Spelling Method, published by Robinson Books, and coauthored two novels published as Kindle books, Neomorts and Moonshine. 

More than 100 of her papers have been published in the scientific and popular literature on a variety of subjects including risk assessment, natural and technological hazards and non-hazards, and medical economics and ethics. She is the editor of AAPS News, the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Newsletter, and Civil Defense Perspectives, and is the managing editor of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

If you would like to discuss these issues, contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Jane M. Orient, M.D., Executive Director, Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

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