World News: Culture Broth

The appearance and spread of the coronavirus worldwide has also raised questions about the origins of the virus and in particular the role of global warming and globalization as China now denies the responsibility for the outbreak.

For alarmist purposes, we would say that the coronavirus is the new Black Death, the one that ravaged 14th century Europe (1347 - 1352) and which decimated nearly 25 million Europeans.

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Naturally, the vectors for the spread of medieval pestilence were not identified as those which carry the coronavirus, although the World Health Organization (WHO) questions the appearance of cases in Europe outside the usual channels. but the health crisis is serious enough by its extent to worry the entire planet.

Viruses and Globalization

However, this may not be essential because ultimately, researchers and biologists will eventually find ways to contain the virus. On the other hand, the question arises of identifying the factors that caused the appearance of this virus.

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And it is not inappropriate to advance the thesis of global warming as one of the potential causes. The global increase, here on a global scale, in temperatures has possibly generated the appearance of new diseases or viruses hitherto dormant or nonexistent due to temperatures too cold or biological conditions inadequate to ensure their respective development.

To summarize, it is therefore necessary to consider the planet as a gigantic culture broth where teeming and cohabiting a whole set of pathologies and viruses, declared or to come, of which man would be victim without being the primary or desired target.

Also making a connection with the Black Plague of 1347 is not it so adventurous as that because in the XIVth century the absence of strict rules of hygiene, the proliferation of fleas and rats in the medieval cities crossed on all sides by Growing and Europeanized trade has all contributed to the spread of the disease from the East.

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It is the same today with the coronavirus encouraged by favorable climatic conditions and a globalization of exchanges, in particular the flows of passengers transported by air which, in all ignorance, carry the virus.

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Does this mean that passenger flows must cease sine die? Some airlines have made this decision, but is it the best, or at least the most effective? Such an epidemic, likely to turn into a pandemic, in no way chooses the company with which to travel to stay at the quay if the flights are canceled! Let's reduce greenhouse gases in this case!

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Humanity has already started but with many difficulties and for the moment without really concrete results. This humor, a bit cynical, brings us back to a present that will be impossible to rewrite, namely that globalization has become an incompressible reality and that global warming, also in progress, is also linked to the first .

Certainly, solutions exist but it is to be considered more seriously now that this type of health crisis will be more and more frequent in the decades to come, drawing a new global biological landscape and confirming the idea that Man remains an accident of the History of the planet, a fragile artefact exposed to a nature which he believed domesticated but which is sometimes hostile to him because indifferent to its presence.



Bio: Olivier Longhi has extensive experience in European history. A seasoned journalist with fifteen years of experience, he is currently professor of history and geography in the Toulouse region of France. He has held a variety of publishing positions, including Head of Agency and Chief of Publishing. A journalist, recognized blogger, editor and editorial project manager, he has trained and managed editorial teams, worked as a journalist for various local radio stations, a press and publishing consultant, and a communications consultant.

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