Kim Wall Murder: Peter Madsen - Mad Scientist or King of the Fetish
- Details
- Category: World News - Europe
- Published on Tuesday, 29 August 2017 07:34
- Written by Janet Walker
Denmark's most sensational murder trial has yet to begin and the world media is ramping up its coverage on Peter Madsen, the Danish inventor who is currently held in the horrific dismemberment and murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall.
Madsen's Final Frontiers: Deep Sea and Space
Peter Madsen, 46, whom all know is a backyard inventor with stratospheric dreams. Nautilus, the ill-fated submarine, is not his first personally constructed submarine, nor his only pursuit and passion.
Nautilus, a pleasure craft, has Madsen describes on his Indiegogo pitch for funds to help renovate the submarine, had ferried hundreds of guests throughout the nine years of operation. Somewhat of an eccentric, cross between a mad scientist and a genius, his behaviors at times, as seen in the video pitch, aggressive, even in front of invited guests, and docile. He, it seems, rarely ran at an even temperature.
Kim Wall Died “In an Accident” Inventor Says
The Indiegogo video pitch shows the interior of the Nautilus. Built with the appearance of a standard submarine, sectioned by typical oval separators that require a step up and over to passby, it has a very small tunnel ladder descending from the tower. The Nautilus was built with many windows allowing passengers to see out into the sea.
The width of the main compartment holds up to four people, with three seated against one side and opposite the wall is paneled with instruments. The fourth person would be standing. The space is very small and many have said highly claustrophobic. The Indigogo pitch doesn't offer a complete tour and still the video pans the Main instrument station where panels hold the many system warning lights.
With two submarines built and one active, Madsen was limitedly respected. Something was keeping him from the acceptance he craved. His projects, an inventors dream, and skill, challenging the traditional system of study, and picking up supporters as his everyman with a dream can achieve it through hard work.
Sub-Orbital Space Program
Madsen co-founded Copenhagen Suborbitals in May 2008 with a group of Danes in all of whom shared a common vision of making sub-orbital space travel affordable. In June 2014, Madsen left the group he founded and created Rocket Madsen Space Lab.
A self-taught Aerospace Engineer, Madsen had dreams of the stars and with Copenhagen Orbitals he formed a group of people who shared his vision and belief in building a less expensive rocket, The Deep Space Sub-Orbital, which was both ongoing, respected and talked about.
Rocket Madsen Space Lab goals were no different than Copenhagen Suborbitals and as Madsen is credited for creating the launch system, launchpad and booster rockets engines, his own space lab, which could be termed a "me, too" a second fully operational and constructed around the same ideas.
There was no space race between the two groups and neither have publicly discussed the falling out or why Madsen would leave the group he founded, which has had success in launch and sub-orbital reach and splashdown.
Possibly Madsen was contacted by a private investor as his Wikipedia page indicated he was "developing a nano satellite launch vehicle using venture investments."
A genius, or savant, Madsen was, up until August 11, 2017, tolerated even with his bad boy behavior due to his limited notoriety and contributions to space and sea travel.
All that changed. Madsen as many suspected had a secret obsession with kink and would often "find solace in fetish nights, sex parties and sexual experimentation."[The Times]
Louise Callaghan reported in The Sunday Times, a personal account of Peter Madsen, "Growing up in an Abusive environment, his stepfather died when he was 17."
Peter migrated easily into Copenhagen's liberal lifestyle. Sexual experimentation, while is not uncommon by the late teens, Madsen took things a step further. His heartbeat was in fetish and sex parties.
Madsen like to entertain his fringe females aboard his pleasure crafts and according to The Times article Madsen had a Swedish stripper aboard the first sub, Freya and said, '"There is a special place on the submarine where she touched it. I've always had a special relationship with that place," Madsen was reported to have told his biographer Thomas Djursing."'
With his known duality in speech, behind every acceptable word is a confession of a darker truth, his meaning is quite clear.
The article is not an expose, not an in-depth piece with multiple sources from Copenhagen's sexual underground and it does paint a picture many, globally, believe is closer to the man who agreed to an interview with Swedish journalist Kim Wall and the last to see her alive.
Kim Wall
Reading remembrances over the weeks from Kim Wall's friends and colleagues she was described as independent and one reaction struck me as her friend said, "It's too bad she would have written a fair piece on him."
Understanding these colleagues are processing a horrific crime committed against someone they knew personally, the comments are understandable. Kim Wall was a good journalist. She was educated, experienced, smart knew a story when she saw it. While her coverage appeared in major dallies around the world, she wrote primarily feature, cultural oddities, phenomenon, and other unusual aspects of the societies of the world.
Approaching Madsen, the backyard, DIY inventor with Elon Musk dreams, frustrated over the eight years that his submarine has sat, only giving pleasure to hundreds whom have took the tour and enjoyed an afternoon ride in the Baltic Sea.
He had yet sell his idea of submarine travel or wrestle even one defense contract from any legitimate government anywhere. The dreams of his submarine, essentially a cost effective, mini-submarine able to comfortably travel with four passengers and three crew, for clandestine business and industry meetings, smaller world governments looking to build an elite team around the use of the submarine.
Of course, insurgents around the world would benefit from its capabilities, all the capacities of a regular non-military submarine, as it wasn't armed. The Nautilus was built as a pleasure sub. Allowing Madsen and his guest to escape to the deep away from prying eyes and itching ears and escaping the usual national border guard checkpoints.
Madsen was known to be brisk, and in fact, when he was asked about the conversation he had with Ms. Wall, who called seemingly out of the blue and after explaining her credentials asked for an interview. He has said he knew nothing about her only her name was Kim. Adding, when media calls to interview, "what do I care who they are?"
From his account he had no idea that Ms. Wall was globally known for her feature pieces on unusual culture sensations and her profile piece on a DIY inventor whose hopes fell along the lines of building a time machine out of a De Loren was in actuality the truth. There was no hidden agenda, no hint of international intrigue or criminality or the possibility of exposing a major traffic point in the Islamic State or regional Drug Cartel.
The purpose was straight forward: A profile on a self-taught Aero engineer whom the powers that be at Wired Magazine thought would be of interest to their readers.
Securing the subject was not difficult. What we don't know are the conversations he had with whomever is using his mini-submarine for escape or transport and who gave the order to not simply kill her but to mutilate her?
Madsen can't escape the presumption of guilt. Protest until both he and his lawyer are exhausted, he, to the world and any judge, jury, panel of his peers, will find his story implausible as he confined himself to essentially one room was seen with one other person who is now dead and worse than simply dead, with no body to grieve, mourn, and honor with a proper burial.
Horrific imaginations now punctuate the memories to those who loved and knew her and even to the population at large. Her end, which as tranquil as the moments before have pictured, standing with her alleged killer on the tower of his submarine, in the evening sun, a beautiful picture of the sea, her homeland, a sailors dream as sea and sun met on the horizon. The end as they descended into the darkened hull was equally gruesome and shocking.
The Murky Deep
On August 11, Kim Wall boarded the Nautilus for a three hour ride along. Although no specific time had been stated, her "friend" who has remained anonymous reported her missing two hours after she was due to return. She was reported missing at 2:00am.
Her last pictures show her smiling, unaware, of the hint of trouble, if there was any darkness brewing in Madsen's mind, it didn't appear that Wall "felt" or had any sixth sense of impending danger.
Madsen has denied killing her, at least during this round of questioning, and denies abuse of a corpse.
Building a scenario, having been in a submarine, the claustrophobia or fear of no exit can be overwhelming. So for arguments sake, let's say she had to reign in the fear and/or she was scared by something, a switch in Madsen's behavior from scientist to monster, king of the fetish, as he has said in his first sub he brought a Swedish stripper on board.
There are many possibilities at this point: Wall and Madsen had sex; they didn't have sex and she rebuffed him sending him into a murderous rage. Or she backed away from him, tripped and fell hitting her head against the oval sections, killing her.
Could the Nautilus been boarded by Madsen's "investors" who were concerned Wall knew too much already? The investment video shows guests boarding the vessel at sea. The idea that ISIS or a Serbian/Afghanistan Drug Cartel is very possible as well. Wars have been financed by distributing drugs in the Nordic region.
They only clear truths are she entered the sub. She died in the sub and she was dismembered inside the sub. The motive leading to each of those truths are as murky as the deep. Those secrets are yet to be known.