70 ISIS Associates Named Across 21 States

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Sky News, the British News Agency, has announced a former Islamic State Fighter has leaked tens of thousands of documents revealing the names and global locations of at least 22,000 recruited members of the terrorist organization.

Within the personal files leaked, it was reported that ISIS has sympathizers in 51 countries and in the United States 70, known and active upon request, Islamic Fighter recruits are living in 21 states.

New York State ranks the highest with 13 recruited Islamic State fighters. Minnesota follows with 11; Illinois with six and California has five Islamic state recruits living within its borders.

North Carolina has four recruits; New Jersey, Texas, Ohio, Virginia and Michigan are listed as having three members of the hated terror organization located in each state.

Arizona, Mississippi, Florida, Kansas, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts have two Islamic State fighters per state and Colorado, Georgia, South Carolina, Wisconsin, each have one listed and known combatant.

Tunisia was named as the world's top producer of Islamic sympathizers. The top ten follows with Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, France, Morocco, Lebanon, United Kingdom and Germany.

Apparently the world's Muslim population does not believe in the strategy or sympathise with the goals and determinations of ISIS as the top ten Muslim populated countries have deeply unfavorable opinions of the Islamic State fighters.

Image courtesy of Graphic.