Relationships: Calming First-Date Tips to Soothe the Nerves
- Details
- Category: Sex, Dating, Relationships
- Published on Thursday, 23 April 2020 17:34
- Written by Mallory Knee
Relationships, even as the coronavirus has seriously disrupted the opportunity to meetup with a potential significant other, will continue to compel the hopeful romantic who believes one day they will meet that someone who is "the one."
In the post-pandemic scenario, the potential to hook-up or date will include the same activities as life before the pandemic. So, shake off those hibernation and isolation clothes, pull out the home weights, and plan a possible, while embracing social distancing, scenario that includes meeting new people.
With group dynamics out for some time, creativity will be key in meeting and keeping the flame alive until society becomes fully integrated once again.
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As nerve-racking and scary as first dates can be, rejecting those fears can become the first step in a great relationship. So here are a few calming first-date tips to help soothe the nerves before the meetup.
Enjoy A Work Out
One of the best ways to relax mind and body before a big date is to get a stress-relieving workout in beforehand. Running on a treadmill, lifting some weights, or doing some yoga before a date will all relieve pent-up stress and boost confidence.
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Not to mention, exercise releases serotonin and dopamine, which are also known as the feel-good hormones. These endorphins will calm the nerves and help feel relax the mind and remain positive for the date.
Pick a Comfortable Date Spot
If the first date is someone from work or an already good friend choosing the spot is not as big a deal as when the first date is with someone new, maybe a social media connection or a friend of a work colleague
Choose a spot that is naturally comfortable. With all the dynamics to consider, the safety factor is the most important. Get the home-field advantage and choose your favorite bar, restaurant, or other safe space. Otherwise, you may feel uncomfortable meeting someone in a strange new place. Choosing the right date spot is part of the stress of dating, so choosing a place where you are naturally comfortable will help decrease your stress.
Dress to Impress
This is an obvious first-date tip to calm your nerves and do remember to dress to impress. Dating is a complex situation in which two people meet to get to know each other naturally to see if they might make good partners.
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The best wardrobe first date choices are those which add to your self-esteem. It is important to dress to project confidence. The options are limited only by your personal style. Whether your tastes run more toward flats or heels, or jeans and a T-shirt or cardigan with sneakers, the key is wearing whatever makes you feel beautiful and empowered.
Remember A Case of the Nerves May be All Around
It's important to remember that not alone in this. There are two people going on this date, after all, not just one! While you might be a sweating, nervous wreck stressing about the little details of the night, they could be too.
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They could also be confident and easy-going, which might make you wonder why you felt nervous at all. No matter what, have fun with the date and see where it leads. It could lead nowhere, or it could lead to a new friendship or relationship.
So be brave, add a mask, take hand sanitizer, wear clear plastic gloves and enjoy a social distancing walk until life returns to normal.