Sex and the Serial Killer Review - Unsubstantiated Account Makes for an Interesting Read

Sex and the Serial Killer, an unsubstantiated autobiographical account of William Steel's, life and times with Robert Durst, who is currently awaiting trial for the murder of Beverly Hills writer Susan Berman and has admitted to murdering others.

The book, Sex and The Serial Killer: My Bizarre time with Robert Durst  begins with an introduction of sorts, to the four women and one man whom Durst is suspected of murdering.

We meet Kathie, Kathleen McCormack Durst, a medical student who vanished from Westchester County, New York in January of 1982. She was declared dead in 2017. She and Durst were having marital problems, so the story goes, and she was three months from completing med school. Her body has never been found.

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Lynn Schulze, 18, missing from Middlebury, Vermont December 1971. Beverly Hills writer and material witness Susan Berman, a longtime associate of Durst, and who allegedly knew the dark secrets of a darkened soul was found dead in 2000, shot execution style. Durst was also arrested and tried for the murder of Morris Black, in Galveston Texas, in 2001. He maintains it was self-defense and he was acquitted.

Finally, a silhouette of what is suspected of possibly countless other unknown victims of Robert Durst who is probably as William Steel points out the wealthiest serial killer in the United States.

"There it is, you're caught. . . what the hell did I do? Killed them all, of course." Robert Durst, captured on an open microphone during the filming of the HBO documentary The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst."

Before we even reach page 1 of the 176page tome, we know what we are about to read may or may not be exactly the way the events occurred, and we may not be able to verify other events, and the facts remain. Robert Durst is suspect in the deaths of each of the five people listed.

Steel also adds before we reach the beginning of his accounts a single statement that is as true today as it was true and meaningful to the author who penned it.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing," Edmund Burke, 1729-1797.

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With those pages of introduction, we known have a foundation of events the propel us to turn the page and see just what this author can add to the bizarre life and times of Robert Durst, the son of a wealthy New York Real Estate scion.

Many of Durst's fetish-fueled behavior have been media fodder. Even he is a character sketch the late Dominic Dunne could have written without ever knowing him. With the days, times, seasons and events already penned in print what we have are the moments, the bridges that connect the years, the months, between killings.

William Steel, the author, who readily admits that is not his real name but a pseudonym, to protect his identity, for fear of retaliation. He also admits to his own precarious past, drug use, cocaine addiction, incarcerations. His credibility is not winning any awards right about now.

Except, of course, when one realizes that a drug fueled serial killer fueled by sick sex fetishes probably isn't going to hang out with someone who would condemn his behavior. His confident, would have to be someone who could relate to him. So when judging the authenticity of the author, it becomes plausible that given both backgrounds the chance of two degenerates to meet and have a connection seems possible.

We also find out Steel and Susan Berman were friends and an A-list screenwriter had once described Steel's relationship with Durst as "a friendship of mutual usury."

Steel describes the first chance encounter. Two worlds colliding on a street in Manhattan, as he was leaving the New York School on Locksmithing, in 1982, both men quickly enraged with the other for the accident that spilled a soda.

The first "Encounter" chapter sets up the relationship between Steel, Susan Berman, and Robert Durst. He also explains the unknown at the time. Durst was not yet an outcast and his demons hadn't taken him over yet. He was in real estate, wealthy and would pay, handsomely, to someone for anything he wanted or needed. He was also very menacing and treated women badly, especially in public.

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Sex and The Serial Killer My Bizarre Time with Robert Durst also details very twisted and sick fantasies of a dangerous and demented individual. Within the pages are unsubstantiated accounts of Durst's sexual encounters. He was someone who enjoyed the thrill of paralyzing fear. His no way out fantasy seems to play frequently in the book, with women bound and gagged, and finally realizing they will most likely die at the hands of this butcher.

Durst has maintained he let the women go, of course, after the sexual encounters that included photographs, just on the off chance they decide to talk about his fetishes. Photographs and money would take care of any investigation.

William Steel first met Robert Durst when they literally ran into each other outside a fast food joint in Manhattan in 1982, not long after the real estate scion's first wife Kathie mysteriously vanished without a trace. What began as an angry confrontation evolved into a symbiotic that exposed steel to Durst's demented world of drug and fetishes fueled sex.

The book is also filled with suppositions of why Durst would do certain things. He was clear that Durst understood the power of his money. He knew that he could buy and sell people, their convictions, their dedications simply by determining the price.

Sex and the Serial Killer: My Bizarre Times with Robert Durst is a chilling yet fascinating journey into the life of a man who may prove to be the wealthiest serial killer in American history. It rips the lid off a host of shocking secrets that have never been revealed before.

The book is also a quest for justice that one brave man has launched under the most dangerous of circumstances. He also explains what many take for granted, the duality of the judicial process. The wealthy buy their brand of justice while the poor or those who don't have as deep pockets, suffer through a "fair" system and hope the other side hasn't paid.

Steel has risked his own life to raise awareness about all of Durst's victims and to help hold him accountable for his horrific crimes.

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Sex and The Serial Killer: My Bizarre time with Robert Durst rings of the encounter Journalist Kim Wall had with convicted murderer Peter Madsen. The author compares him to probably the most notorious and charming serial killer in American history Ted Bundy.

True or not, the book is definitely insightful. Many well-known names such as President Donald Trump (pg. 123) former Westchester County D.A and Fox Host Jeannine Piro, Serial Killers Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer are all mentioned.

Sex and The Serial Killer: My Bizarre Times with Robert Durst is available via Amazon Books.

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