Beltway Insider: Trump Indicted, East Coast Smoke, Unabomber, Russian Spy, Dead, Boeing, Crash Survivors, Pat Robertson
- Details
- Category: Beltway Insider
- Published on Sunday, 11 June 2023 11:20
- Written by Janet Walker
Former President Donald J. Trump was criminal indicted this week, over the retention of classified documents relating to the security of the United States and conspired to keep them in his possession by hiding them from officials.
The President's job approval rating, according to the website, for the period ending June 11, 2023 increased by 0.8% to 40.9% of those polled who approve of his effectiveness as President and those who disapprove of his effectiveness decreased by 0.2% to 54.7% of those polled who disapprove of his effectiveness. A slight 3% of the population polled have no opinion. Ratings are calculated weekly.
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Former President Trump Indicted
As the 2024 Presidential election official kicks off August 2, 2023, with the first televised Republican debate, Donald Trump, the frontrunner in most straw polls, is managing to retain the spotlight and supercharge the voters by controlling the narrative and presenting "a victim" image.
"The charging document, which was made public a day after a grand jury in U.S. District Court in Miami voted to indict Trump, said that the records contained information about defense and weapons capabilities of the U.S. and foreign countries, U.S. nuclear programs, and "potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack," reported.
As of June 11, 2023, the former president who is facing multiple legal challenges is surging ahead in the national Republican Primary polls with at 54.8% of registered voters want him to be the GOP nominee; Florida Governor Ron DeSantis trails at 21.5%. The results have not changed significantly since the CPAC straw poll in March 2023.
The determined effort to derail a potential rematch between Trump and Biden, has the GOP voters believing the former president's messaging that purports that it is a targeted attempt to keep him from seeking a second term. The greater the effort against him, the greater the turnout for him by voters who believe that he is being targeted not only by the democrats for a myriad of reasons, January 6 notwithstanding, but also the current mainstream Republican party leaders, who see Trump as a blight on the party.
Many see Trump being held accountable for crimes that no other leader has ever been held to the same standard. Clear criminal offenses by business leaders, politicians, and others in power occur daily and in full view of those who have the power to intervene and still they are not held to a standard remotely similar to Trump's.
"Trump's former Attorney General Bill Barr said . . ."If even half of it is true, then he's toast," Barr told "Fox News Sunday." "It's a very detailed indictment, and it's very, very damning. And this idea of presenting Trump as a victim here, a victim of a witch hunt, is ridiculous,"' reported.
Eastern Seaboard blanketed with Dense Smoke
Eerie images began to appear online over this week as more than 95million Americans living on the eastern seaboard were confronted with concentrated, dense, smoke, and red haze as the winds from Canadian forest fires originating in Quebec province, pushed the smoke south creating a blanket of red haze.
Manhattan's famous skyline was shrouded with unhealthy, thick, smoke fumes, as was the nation's monuments, in Washington, D.C., where health hazards were declared, and governors implored residents to stay indoors.
Canadian fire season, of this magnitude, is rare occurrence. As the elements, a surprising amount of tinder, an unseasonably dry April, and the spark, a lightning strike, and with high winds embers from even a small spark can carry hundreds of miles igniting new fire patches, and the same cycle repeats.
"For the past few years, it felt like fire is everywhere. In 2020, a wave of smoke and fire washed over the West Coast, burning over 10.2 million acres, and creating the second and third worst smoke days in U.S. history. (New York City's orange Wednesday claimed the top spot this week.)," The Washington Post reported.
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Boeing Sued
Aerospace giant Boeing has been sued by Wilson Technologies for theft of Intellectual Property, conspiracy, and misuse of critical parts, in a complaint filed in Seattle, Washington.
The suit claims that Boeing covertly stole the intellectual property, in an effort to replicate the patented technology, and their lack of expert knowledge has created the possibility of grievous injury and death to members of the space community and is directly responsible for the leak aboard the International Space Station.
"Worse, the suit claims, because Boeing covertly stole Wilson's intellectual property without receiving the full instructions on how to properly build, install, and use it, several of the aerospace and aviation products built by Boeing are pockmarked with critical safety flaws that allegedly put lives at risk," reported
The lawsuit can be read here.
Coronavirus Totals
Mandates have been altered or lifted in most urban areas with limited exceptions, and the population is encouraged to maintain personal protective practices. Masks are optional and tolerated. Vaccines and boosters are still considered the most effective agents against contracting the Coronavirus.
For the week ending June 10, 2023, the total of confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide reached 767,750,853 people, with a 7-day increase of 385,970 with a total worldwide death toll of 6,941,095 deaths. (Data from The World Health Organization).
COVID U.S. Totals
Infections rates in the United States are also on the rise. For the 7-day period ending June 10, 2023, the total hospitalizations resulting from new Covid infections increased to 6,176,446 and confirmed cases remained at 103,436,829. The coronavirus has claimed 1,131,439 total deaths. (Data from The World Health Organization).
Pentagon's Diary Gets Personal
Protecting for gain of function knowledge only aides those who initiated the constitutional violations. It does nothing to combat homegrown terrorism or narcissistic, above the law, belief. The best obtainable version of the truth.
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Children Rescued after Surviving 40 days in Amazon Jungle
Four children, the sole survivors of a plane crash in the treacherous and deadly Amazon Rain Forest that killed their parents, were found this week alive after surviving more than six weeks alone.
"Four children, including a baby, were found alive in the Amazon jungle on Friday nearly six weeks after they survived the crash of a small plane and wandered into the wilderness, Colombian President Gustavo Petro announced," reported The Wall Street Journal.
Columbian officials released a photo of the children, ages 13, 9, 4, and 1, along with the team of soldiers who had been searching the dense terrain for additional signs and clues that have helped the rescuers over the past 40 days. Several makeshift campsites were found along the way with items such as a baby diaper, head bands and small footprints along the camp's edge.
The soldiers dropped leaflets, ready to eat meals, and circled the region playing a message made by the children's grandmother encouraging them, the soldiers also dropped whistles for the children to use.
Unabomber, Russian Spy, Dead
Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, and former state department employee turned Russian spy, Robert Hanssen were each found dead this week in their prison cells. Both Kaczynski, 81, and Hanssen, 79, were once held at the notorious supermax prison in Colorado.
Kaczynski, the Harvard trained mathematician and recluse, who wrote an extensive manifesto on the ills of technology, admitted he randomly targeted his victims for pleasure. Captured in 1996 in a small town in Montana, his home was devoid of any technological devices or even electricity. The primitive setting, deep in the woods, a tar shingled roof, tiny single room cabin, was home for 25 years.
Kaczynski was transferred to a supermax medical facility in North Carolina in 2021 where he died.
Hanssen, after 22 years of providing U.S. secrets to both the soviets and Russians, was arrested, after delivering his last drop to the Russians, at Foxstone Park, in Virginia. He was arrested without incident and sentenced to life. Until his espionage activities were exposed his identity had been a secret to the Russian counterpart. He was found this week unresponsive in his cell, June 5, 2023, at the supermax prison in Colorado.
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Pat Robertson, Televangelist, Dies
Pat Robertson, the televangelist, and leader and founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network died this week. He was 93.
Robertson, who built an empire based on his Christian beliefs, graduated from Yale Law School, failed the New York Bar exam, decided to attend seminary, and was ordained upon graduation. His wife, whom he married in August 1954, gave birth to his son 10 weeks later. His truthfulness in managing what could have become a serious scandal for any young minster would become the first lesson in handling what many see as clear breeches of Christian doctrine.
After the advent of Christian broadcasting and more possibility of increased exposure even Mr. Robertson, fell victim to radicalization of Christianity with extreme and sometimes, unusual viewpoints of biblical doctrine and beliefs. As his wealth and popularity increased, he often became the political de facto leader of the religious right, as politicians would court the evangelist for the evangelic vote.
"He suggested, for example, that Americans' sinfulness had brought on the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against the United States, and that the earthquake that devastated Haiti in 2010 was divine retribution for a promise that Haitians had made to serve the Devil in return for his help in securing the country's independence from France in 1804," The New York Times reported.
His radical beliefs, as with many who control the minds of the mass, often stoked anti-establishment fires, and alienated Christian believers, even splitting the demographic itself, radicalizing the fringes. No one could deny the power of the CBN, least of all advertisers who embraced the demographic and exponentially increased Robertson's wealth and reach of the CBN. He continued to expand his empire, building a university, law school, and of course the CBN. In 1997, Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox bought Robertson's Family Channel for $1.9billion. Although Robertson's retained the rights to his signature program, "The 700 Club," in perpetuity.
Robertson died peacefully in his home in Virginia Beach, VA. He was 93.
For more information on President Joe Biden
Sources: Various © Articles covered by Copyright protection.