Auto, Yachts, Jets: Top Tips When Cleaning Your Luxury Car

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A car cleaning routine is typically something that is developed over time through careful planning and experience. However, everyone should follow some general rules! Your car cleaning routine is an important aspect of your car's health and longevity.

Here are the top things to consider when doing your car cleaning routine.

What Cleaning Solutions You Use

Most of the materials present in your car's interior are extremely fragile. For instance, Alcantara is one of the most sensitive materials out there and requires specific maintenance.

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This is why it is so important to ensure that you do not degrade the material by using cleaning solutions that can harm the material. As such, always ensure that you are using the proper cleaning solution for specific materials like Alcantara. This will both effectively clean any material, while also ensuring that you will preserve it for as long as possible.

What Cleaning Instruments You Use

Alongside the cleaning solutions, the tools that you use to clean the surfaces of the car make a difference in the longevity of the materials. With some cleaning instruments, utilizing them on softer or more fragile materials could yield disastrous results.

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One of the easiest ways to prevent using harmful cleaning is to always go with softer microfiber towels. Other types of towels will often pull fibers out of the fabrics or leave scratches, whereas a microfiber towel is soft on all surfaces.

What About the Fine Detailing?

One of the most overlooked parts of a good car cleaning routine is focusing on fine detailing. Fine detailing can take the look of a car from brand new to dealership new.

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If you are considering selling your car, having the interior detailed to make your customer feel like they are really getting a brand-new car is a must! While this may take more time, effort, and tools to accomplish, it will allow your car to shine and truly look its best.

A car cleaning routine is central to good car care. The longer you keep your car looking clean and maintained, the more likely it is you will be able to keep the car for longer—or even get a better price on it if you are selling.

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That is why it is so important to consider these elements when doing your cleaning routine.