Utah Woman Charged in Six Newborn Deaths

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Megan Huntsman, 39, was arraigned on murder charges stemming from the serial slaying of six of her seven newborns who were found stuffed in boxes in the garage of her Pleasant Grove, Utah home.


Huntsman allegedly confessed to the barbaric, animalistic, crimes, telling prosecutors she murdered the babies over a decade, from 1996 to 2006, and almost in a ritualistic manner wrapped them in a towel and placed the tiny bodies in boxes in the garage of her home as trophies.

Appearing wild eyed in mug shot photos, Huntsman gave no motive for her crimes and had no reaction when told bail was set at 6 million dollars, one million per child.

Huntsman was married during the ten year period to Darren West, 41, who apparently never knew his wife was pregnant.

The babies were carried full term, born alive, and murdered. Her seventh child, also found, was according to local police officials stillborn.

The questions and accountability still remain how her husband, family, friends, and even her nucleus of community could not notice she was pregnant.

West found the bodies and notified police who according to the Salt Lake City Tribune, have never seen anything like this.

Huntsman was not arraigned or charged as a serial killer, although additional charges may be brought.