Five Travel Tips to Calm Pre-Flight Fears

In the 1998 film French Kiss Meg Ryan plays a women with a severe fear of flying. She tried to overcome her fear through a simulator class only to panic and kick the door down in an effort to escape.The fear of flying is very real and not as comical as it played out.

While not everyone has an intense fear of flying that leaves them paralyzed, most people experience some level of discomfort when it comes to air travel. Here are some tips courtesy of Captain Tim Griffin, professional pilot and CEO of FlyHome LLC., distressed flyers can take to prepare for their next trip!

1. Anticipatory Anxiety is the number one issue with most fearful flyers. The only way to overcome this is by gradually learning to feel more comfortable during flight, so before hand, you will have less to worry about.

2. Don’t check the weather more than 2 days out from your trip, this causes a large amount of anxiety should the flyer see a percentage for rain or storms. The truth is, it is not that accurate that far out anyway!

3. Pack a few days early! Rushing around packing the night before while you are already anxious will only fuel the fire.

4. Exercise, and avoid caffeine. Exercising can help minimize the affects of anxiety, while caffeine can increase the effects.

5. At the airport, the TSA security check is an anxiety increaser, but not if you’re prepared. Take off all jewelry, remove all items from pocket, take belt off, all prior to getting in line. Put all of the items in your carry on, and this way, you’re not rushing to remove everything while everyone behind you is waiting on you. It’s the little things that alleviate stress!

For more information contact Fly Home LLC:

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