World News: COVID-19, France’s New Traveling Companion

The handling of the COVID-19 crisis by President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron and the regional governments arouses both controversy and criticism each raising questions regarding the human drama that has reached a boiling point.

One clear reality, however, is that COVID-19 has entered our daily landscape and, in all probability, will return seasonally until vaccines and other medical measures are available and can ward off annual repeats of the new normal.

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First there was the maladjustment of health structures, then the economic effects of confinement, then the methodology surrounding the end of the confinement, then on the return of children to schools and now there is a new controversy taking shape around the masks and tests to be conducted. If the concern is legitimate given the magnitude of the health crisis, it also reflects a form of Franco-French habit easily assimilated to a form of guilty inertia.

The question which then arises is the following: is there a need to debate about the wearing of the mask and the quality as well as on tests or on regional health agencies?

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It will belong to each individual to provide his or her share of responses, but it just seems obvious that in the coming months they will become inseparable and certainly, in well-defined situations, mandatory.

Coronavirus Joins Influenza Join and The Health Situation

Well because, whether in France or elsewhere in the world, we will now have to learn to live with COVID-19 as we live with the seasonal threat of the flu.

This previously unknown virus, which has become the subject of all discussions within a few weeks, is now part of our health and social landscape, as its appearance and its consequences will upset our respective universes. However, accepting the fact that the coronavirus is now an integral part of our lives will be difficult to integrate.

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It is enough to be convinced of this to see how some people laugh at the consequences or the precautionary measures to be taken to protect themselves when others prefer to make their own masks. This new health situation is dictated by at least two realities: the youth of the virus with regard to the entire viral sphere existing to date; its dangerous due to the speed of contagion knowing that one infected person is potentially capable of infecting three others the potential of one person ultimately could be responsible for infecting 59,000.

"This coronavirus is very, very infectious, so every person passes to it three, now that doesn't sound like much of a difference, but if each of those three pass it to three and that happens in 10 layers, I have been responsible for infecting 59,000 people," reports Business Insider.

Anticipation and Criticism

This youth, which by the way does not exist, by definition, for the other known viruses for which we have the capability of orienting us towards adequate sanitary solutions, guides to this day the research undertaken in order to quickly offer a vaccine.

This one, hoped by all in 2021 or 2022, assumes the aspects of the panacea facing the danger of the coronavirus: Research must advance by leaps and bounds because of its high level of danger. Is this an acquired reality for humanity?

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It will have to become so because, let us repeat, covid-19 is now part of our daily lives and all the controversy about the masks or the tests seems futile in the light of the health emergency but purposely designed with a view to criticism of government action which is now part of a logic of deconfinement.

Ultimately, there is only one reality, with a population of 67million and 162,100 total COVID-19 cases approximately .25% of the French population has been infected with the coronavirus with containment possible but not end in sight.



Bio: Olivier Longhi has extensive experience in European history. A seasoned journalist with fifteen years of experience, he is currently professor of history and geography in the Toulouse region of France. He has held a variety of publishing positions, including Head of Agency and Chief of Publishing. A journalist, recognized blogger, editor and editorial project manager, he has trained and managed editorial teams, worked as a journalist for various local radio stations, a press and publishing consultant, and a communications consultant.

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