World News: Militaries Stockpile Weapons, Increase Spending, in Global Build Up

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Would not the increase in world military spending be the expression of an underlying fear brought on by the upheavals of globalization? Unless humanity returns to instinctive defense reflexes that refer to the dark hours of history.

Should we really worry or simply accept it as a geopolitical hazard: the overall amount of military spending jumped 2.6% in 2018 compared to 2017 to $ 1.822 billion.

At the forefront of countries to have revived the defense economy, the United States, China, India, Saudi Arabia and France. It remains to know from now on what are the fundamental reasons which push certain nations in particular to be armed in this way.

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While the world has never lacked conflicts that could justify the purchase of such equipment to which is added the economic dimension of the defense industry which remains an extremely lucrative field.

Others, and rightly so, will argue that the trade tensions between China and the United States, India and Pakistan, or the willingness of Saudi Arabia to figure as the strong state of the Middle East are so many explanations for this trend that could continue in the years to come.

Dogma and Fear

However, other reasons could reflect this increase in spending, an increase linked to the diffuse feeling that a form of global uncertainty has taken hold of world populations.

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The rise of populism, the unpredictability of President Trump associated with Chinese phlegm just as worrying, the impasse in which the European Union seems to be heading following a Brexit that never ends and member countries reluctant to European dogma appear today as pretexts if not valid at least presented as such by the countries concerned so to arm themselves.

To sum it up in a simple way, it seems that the world has swung into fear, underlying and unspeakable, more or less identical to that which prevailed during the Cold War when blocks of East and West gauged and were provoked by nuclear armaments all more destructive than each other.

The Cold War passed, and with the advent of a multi-polar world, synonymous with multiplication with the envy of local conflicts, the nations of the world, at least those who have the economic means for, do not hesitate to cross the step of militarization in the name of the defense that each country can claim. But how does the notion have a good back!

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A reality is essential: there is in the recourse to the massive armament the idea that these same weapons will act as deterrent or active rampart to any potential violation of the sovereignty or the power of the countries engaged in the process of armament.

Globalization and Identities

For this arms race is ultimately only the ultimate symptom of a humanity prey to doubt and questioning that can not both excuse this over-armament. Does this mean that threats, visible or not, cross the world? That some leaders would be ready to take the step of armed violence to assert their point of view and more widely defend their model of society?

Here again, it is up to everyone to provide their answer in the light of their convictions. But, in parallel, why not see in this trend one of the darkest aspects of what is called globalization?

This bottom-line that has crossed societies and economies, cultures and populations for nearly thirty years has profoundly changed a world that has been static and arrested for a long time, and which today is alarmed by the changes that it has itself nourished and wanted.

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This fear in the future, which passes through the instinctive and primal reflex proper to man to arm himself in case of sudden or supposed fear, pushes a little more humanity towards the inevitable. The worst is to be feared?

The question remains unanswered because if national identities continue to assert themselves as at present and that no weighted and reasoned speech comes to regulate or soothe the tensions arising from the confrontation of these exacerbated identities, then there is a fear of a conflagration. heavy in the coming decades.



Bio: Olivier Longhi has extensive experience in European history. A seasoned journalist with fifteen years of experience, he is currently professor of history and geography in the Toulouse region of France. He has held a variety of publishing positions, including Head of Agency and Chief of Publishing. A journalist, recognized blogger, editor and editorial project manager, he has trained and managed editorial teams, worked as a journalist for various local radio stations, a press and publishing consultant, and a communications consultant.