Sixth Sense Hair Styling Review - High End Hair Care for a Smooth, Silky Finish

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Creating that sleek straight hair look, if you aren’t born with it, can be a nightmare, even for the most experienced. Styling tools can be misleading, temperature settings don’t reflect actual heat elements, causing burning, split ends or brittle breakage.

6th Sense Styling Technology’s FH-1flatiron makes all that a thing of the past! That’s right. No more temperature fluctuations, no second swipes needed, no brittle breakage and no more split ends or burning or beautiful sexy sleep straight hair.

The manufacturers, AK Professional, studied the market from consumer reviews and discovered big gaps in quality, efficiency and customer support – even in the well-known high priced products.

With its unprecedented 4 year warranty, advanced floating tourmaline ceramic plates, fast heating and full range of temperatures, the FH-1’s complete solution is causing a lot of CHIs to sit out the styling session.

An extended 60 day money back guarantee and unparalleled 4 year warrantee is proof of quality. Customers are part of an industry secret: youcan have an aesthetic, rugged, compactflatironthat can handle any hair, yet is gentle enough to leave your hair silky and smooth hair.

A little more about 6thSense Styling Technology (6SST). Today’s beauty products market has grown short on innovation and long on imitation with more effort spent on cheap production and brand advertising than on building enduring quality. 6thSense Styling Technology (6SST) is changing all that.

Founded by two perfectionists with deep family roots in beauty technology, 6SST’s mission is to take superior styling to every woman so she can easily bring out the unique look that lies within her. 6SST’s FH-1 Professional Styler is not only a very high quality and reliable salon grade tool, but owning one makes you part of our family, with all the hands-on support you would expect from family.

In fact, it’s become an insider best deal for those who’ve tried everything else.

Salon Owner:“Takes 1/2 the time with less heat. Hair is softer after use than when I use otherflatirons. I prefer the shorter cord, less tangling. Hair doesn't get pulled out like it did using my Chi.”~M. Larson

Caveat/Warning:Don’t assume you have to do a second pass to get hair straight; it works faster than you think

We don’t focus on profit margins; we focus on hair

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